Saturday, 11 July 2015

My durian seed actually germinated!

It's durian season and of course I was browsing the internet on the iPad reading about people germinating durian seeds successfully (while eating a durian with my other hand). So instead of throwing away the seed I saved one to see if it can germinate.

Soaked the seed for about 3 days in shallow water in tupperware and the durian seed actually germinated.

Not really planning to get actual fruits from this but as a fun experiment to grow a durian tree as a houseplant. 

Will post pictures of it as it grows (and as long as it survives!!)

Any advice on what type of soil and pot I should transplant this in?

Here are the related links I was browsing on my iPad..


1 comment:

  1. My folks tell me even if you planted the durians from seeds, it will take a minimum of 10 years before you see the first fruit and would be so few and reuires a large garden.

    Those that are planted commercially have been tweaked by the agriculture experts using their "Kahwin Kahwin' technology which I have no clue of, and only they will grow fast and produce lots of fruits.

    This is of course beyond my understanding as botany and agriculture was never my subject in school. he he
